Light Bulbs

Anti-Green Tip #10: House Lights

People talk about how they're doing their part to help the environment by turning off the light when they leave a room. Do they really think that turning a couple of lights off is going to save the planet? It's really not going to make a dent in the ozone layer or put an end to global warming. I mean, if you want to do something, stop using hairspray, but go ahead and leave the lights on. Me personally, I like to leave all the lights in my house on. In the summer it's cool to see all the moths banging into the windows trying to get to them. Stupid moths.


Tip #1 - Paints

Tip #1 - Paints

Tip #2 - Yard Cleanup

Tip #2 - Yard Cleanup

Tip #3 - Garbage

Tip #3 - Garbage

Tip #4 - Plastic Bags

Tip #4 - Plastic Bags

Tip #5 - Motor Oil

Tip #5 - Motor Oil

Tip #6 - Plastic Bottles

Tip #6 - Plastic Bottles

Tip #7 - Tires

Tip #7 - Tires

Tip #8 - Batteries

Tip #8 - Batteries

Tip #8 - Paper Towels

Tip #9 - Paper Towels

Tip #10 - House Lights

Tip #10 - House Lights